We believe in second


Our Story

There are nearly 100 babies born to incarcerated women in North Carolina every year. What happens to these babies?

This was a question Pharaoh’s Daughter founder Susan Henson asked in 2010. What she found out changed the trajectory of her life and was the beginning of Pharaoh’s Daughter.

Currently, in North Carolina the choices for where these children go are limited. Most go to the already overwhelmed foster-care system, the remainder are taken in by a relative who is pressed into service.

Once released, these justice-involved mothers find it nearly impossible to gain stability quickly enough to create a healthy and safe environment for their child(ren).

Pharaoh’s Daughter walks beside these moms through all the challenges of being pregnant and incarcerated through transitioning out of prison; from safe newborn placement to reentry wrap-around services.


Help justice-impacted mothers keep their children.


Every family impacted by the criminal justice system living free of the entrapments of poverty, incarceration, and recidivism.


Every human is made in God’s image and has intrinsic value.

Life is easier to navigate with a healthy and encouraging support system.

We believe God authored the precedent of family.

Every mother deserves a chance to raise her child, and every child deserves a chance to be raised by his/her mother.